
Showing posts with the label Vocabulary

Phobia Vocabulary

Phobia is defined as a strong fear,dislike or aversion. 1) Acrophobia - fear of high places or heights. Hindi Meaning  : ऊंचे  स्थानों  या ऊंचाइयों  का डर । 2) Aerophobia - fear of air. Hindi Meaning  :  हवा  का डर    । 3) Aglophobia -fear of pain. Hindi Meaning  : दर्द  का  डर । 4) Altiphobia -fear of altitude. Hindi Meaning  : ऊँचाई  का डर   । 5) Anorexia - fear of getting fat makes young girls stop eating resulting in harmful effect. Hindi Meaning  : मोटा  होने  का डर  युवा  लड़कियों  को खाने  से रोकता है  जिसके परिणामस्वरूप  हानिकारक  प्रभाव  पड़ता है    । 6) Agorophobia - fear of public / place open. Hindi Meaning  : जनता  का डर  और  जगह  खुली    । 7) Androphobia - fear of males.[ Andro means male] Hindi Meaning  : पुरुषों  का डर  । 8) Autopho...

Coronavirus Vocabulary! Must for 2020!

1)Isolation (noun) - The condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy. Hindi meaning - अलग होने की स्थिति । Example- The existential form of isolation refers to the gap that exists between the paper. 2)Quarantine (noun) - A state,period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed or period of separation. Hindi meaning - अलक करना या फिर एक राज्य ,अवधि या अलगाव का स्थान जिसमें लोग या जानवर जो कही और से आए हैं या संक्रामक बीमारी के संपर्क में आए हैं , उन्हें अलग होने की अवधि के लिए रखा जाना । Example- She was admitted to quarantine ward to avoid the danger of spreading of viral fever in the hospital. 3)Cordon Sanitaire(noun) - a guarded line preventing anyone from leaving an area infected by a disease and thus spreading it. Hindi meaning - एक पहरेदार लाइन जो किसी को एक बीमारी से संक्रमित क्षेत्र को छोड़ने से रोकती है और इस प्र...

Vocabulary A to Z !

A 1)  Abase - To Degrade someone Bullying has abashed this child in the picture. 2) Abash - To embarrass In this picture,this girl looks slightly abashed . 3) Abattoir - Place where animals are killed. Although many farmers own cattle, they don't slaughter the animals on  site  but send them to an  abattoir. 4) Abdicate -Give up or renounce one's throne. The king was forced to abdicate. 5) Aberrant -departing from an accepted standard or Abnormal Are you the aberrant ant? As you are the one who breaks away from the line,moves in a direction of your own,different from the norm.   6) Abject - Extremely poor or unhappy. The little girl lives in abject poverty during the war. 7) Ablution - The act of washing oneself. The people in the picture are performing their morning ablutions. 8) Abode - The place where someone lives. Welcome! to my humble abode. 9)  Abolish - To put an end to   Slavery was abolished i...

Words instead of Very !

The usage of very is not appropriate .Therefore,we should use these words instead of very : - Very good = EXCELLENT  The work is excellent . Very stupid = IDIOTIC    For some idiotic reason,it had never crossed his mind that he might be doing something illegal. Very happy =  ECSTATIC   He was ecstatic about the idea. Very exciting = EXHILARATING    She was exhilarated by the experience of sky-diving. Very warm = HOT  The weather is hot. Very weak = FRAIL  This man's frail hands could hardly hold a cup. Very little = TINY A tiny snake. Very bright = LUMINOUS The rising of the sun produces a luminous wake up call. Very busy = SWAMPED They have been swamped in their phones ever since they started e-learning. Very careful = CAUTIOUS Due to this pandemic,everyone is cautious  about wearing mask while going out. Very colorful = VIBRANT This painting of flowers has vibrant colors . Very confused = PERPLEXED She is perplexe...

Words related to Places!

ABATTOIR MEANING :- a place where animals are slaughter for the market.  SENTENCE :- Although many farmers own cattle, they don't slaughter the animals on  site  but send them to an abattoir. ABATTOIR APIARY MEANING :- A place where bees are kept SENTENCE :- Similar measures were adopted to check the decline of bee-keeping, and  a model  apiary  was founded in 1890, under government control. APIARY AQUARIUM MEANING :- A tank of fishes. SENTENCE :- Over the last decade or so, the demand for aquatic plants has strongly increased  in order to supply private aquariums, garden tanks or botanical gardens.                          AQUARIUM ARENA MEANING :- A place for wrestling . SENTENCE :- He left the   arena  to loud applause. ARENA ARSENAL MEANING :- A place for ammunition and weapons. SENTENCE :- America’s f...

Play with Words To Play with this World - Vocabulary Jam

Vocabulary- (Newspaper words) 1) Hobnob (verb) = mix socially,especially with those of perceived higher social status,(Synonyms : socialize,associate with) Pronunciation : hob-nob Hindi meaning : मित्रता करना Example : He will be hobnobbing with great musicians this weekend. 2) Stash (noun)= store something safely in a hidden or secret place.(Synonyms : cache,inventory ) Pronunciation : s-tash , stash Hindi meaning : किसी चीज़ को किसी छिपी हुई या गुप्त जगह पर सुरक्षित रूप से रखना Example : The police found where he had stashed the drugs. 3) Entwine (verb) = wind or twist together ; interweave (Synonyms : coil,entangle) Pronunciation : in-twaIn Hindi meaning : एक साथ हवा या मोड़ (पर्यायवाची : कुंडल ,उलझाव) Example : The snake entwined itself around the branch. 4) Revelry (noun) = merrymaking ,lively and noisy festivities (Synonym : celebration) Pronunciation : revlri Hindi meaning : आन्दमय ,जीवंत और शोर उत्सव ( उत्सव ) Example : The winner of t...