Meta Tag In HTML

In HTML, <meta> tags are used to provide metadata about an HTML document. Metadata is data about data, which means it gives information about the HTML document itself rather than the content displayed on the page.

<meta>tags are typically placed inside the < head > tag of an HTML document and do not have a closing tag because they are self closing tags.

Commonly Used of <meta> Tags and Their Purposes:

  1. Character Encoding : Specifies the character encoding used for the document. UTF-8 is the most widely used encoding, supporting a vast range of characters from various languages and scripts.
  2. Viewport : In this section, we will define the properties of the viewport or displayed area. This is crucial for responsive and visually appealing web page design. It also ensures that the display appears consistently across different devices.
    1. Attributes of Viewport in Meta Tag.

    2. Shrink to fit 
    3. Viewport to fit
    4. Height
    5. Width
    6. User Scalable
    7. Maximum Scale
    8. Minimum Scale
    9. Initial Scale
  3. Description : It Provides the description of the content of the web page. Syntax : <meta name=”description” content=”description content”>
  4. Keywords : In this section ,we declare all the keywords related to or similar to the content on the webpage. Keywords help search engine compare the content of the page with user queries, and they can also provide context for the page's content. Syntax : <meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2,....”>
  5. Author : In this section,we define the identification of the author or creator name of the content displayed on the webpage. Syntax : <meta name=”author” content=”Author’s Name”>
  6. Robots : In this section, we specify how search engines should index the page and follow the links on it.
    1. Attribute of Robots are :
    2. Index : It allows the search engine to index the page and include it in the search engine result.
    3. Noindex : It prevents the search engine from indexing the page and excludes it from search results.
    4. Follow : This allows the search engine to follow the links on the page
    5. Unfollow : This instructs the search engine not to follow any links on the page.


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