Ways to say I am Hungry in English!

1) My tummy is talking to me.
2) My stomach is growling.
3) I have got the munchies.
4) I am hungry as a bear.
5) I am starving.
6) I am ravenous.(extreme level of hunger)
7) I am peckish.(someone being hungry but not very hungry)
8) I am famished.
9) I could eat a horse.(in light hearted and funny way)
10) I am freaking hungry!
11) I need food.
12) I am so hungry I could eat a scabby horse!(idiom is used)
13) I am so hungry I could eat an ox.(idiom is used)
14) My stomach feels like my throat's been cut.
15) I am craving...(when hungry for something specific)
16) I am hungry as a wolf.(idiom is used)
17) I am hungry as a bear.(idiom is used)


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