Vocabulary A to Z !
1) Abase - To Degrade someone
Bullying has abashed this child in the picture.
2) Abash - To embarrass
In this picture,this girl looks slightly abashed.
3) Abattoir - Place where animals are killed.
Although many farmers own cattle, they don't slaughter the animals on site but send them to an abattoir.
4) Abdicate -Give up or renounce one's throne.
5) Aberrant-departing from an accepted standard or Abnormal
Are you the aberrant ant? As you are the one who breaks away from the line,moves in a direction of your own,different from the norm.
Are you the aberrant ant? As you are the one who breaks away from the line,moves in a direction of your own,different from the norm.
6) Abject - Extremely poor or unhappy.
7) Ablution - The act of washing oneself.
8) Abode - The place where someone lives.
10) Abominable - Very bad or unpleasant.
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