Do you know ? Interesting Facts

The world is full of interesting facts.Here are some interesting facts and there is a lot to learn from this world itself.

1) Fact about Solar System

The Sun provides energy and light.The Moon plays a role in providing proper climates.Jupiter and Saturn protects Earth from asteroids and comets.The Solar System is not just a star system.It is a FAMILY.

2)APJ ABDUL KALAM  was known as ?


He was known as "Missile Man".He was responsible for the development of Agni and Prithvi  missiles.

3) Places where you cannot buy COCA COLA?

NORTH KOREA AND CUBA are the only places in the World where you cannot buy COCA-COLA.

4)Where is world's QUIETEST ROOM located?

The world's quietest room is located at Microsoft's headquarters in Washington state.

5)Which is world's most Earthquake prone country?

JAPAN is the world's most Earthquake prone country.

5)Most popular language in the world?

MANDARIN CHINESE is the world's most popular language.

5)Longest Traffic Jam in the world?

A  Traffic Jam lasted for more than 12 days in Beijing,China.

6)Which is the Deepest location on the Earth?

The Mariana Trench,in the Pacific Ocean,is the deepest location on Earth.

7)Which is the largest sculpture on the Earth ?

The JATAYU NATURE PARK,in Kollam,Kerala India, is having the world's largest bird sculpture,which is of  the great bird. It was sculpted  by Rajiv Anchal.

8)One Interesting Fact about Russia

Russia is the largest country in terms of area,by far.Also,Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.(Pluto is 2370 kilometres across,which can easily fit within Russia)

9)World's Poorest President

Jose Mujica was a former president of Uruguay and he says "I can live well with what I have".
He donates 90% of his monthly salary to poor people and small entrepreneurs.

10)Largest Fort in Asia

The Chittor Fort or Chittorgarh is the largest fort in Asia.It is built on 280 hectares of land.It is one of the most beautiful forts in the state of Rajasthan,India.


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