Play with Words To Play with this World - Vocabulary Jam

Vocabulary- (Newspaper words)

1) Hobnob (verb) = mix socially,especially with those of perceived higher social status,(Synonyms : socialize,associate with)
Pronunciation : hob-nob
Hindi meaning : मित्रता करना
Example : He will be hobnobbing with great musicians this weekend.

2) Stash (noun)= store something safely in a hidden or secret place.(Synonyms : cache,inventory )
Pronunciation : s-tash , stash
Hindi meaning : किसी चीज़ को किसी छिपी हुई या गुप्त जगह पर सुरक्षित रूप से रखना
Example : The police found where he had stashed the drugs.

3) Entwine (verb) = wind or twist together ; interweave (Synonyms : coil,entangle)
Pronunciation : in-twaIn
Hindi meaning : एक साथ हवा या मोड़ (पर्यायवाची : कुंडल ,उलझाव)
Example : The snake entwined itself around the branch.

4) Revelry (noun) = merrymaking ,lively and noisy festivities (Synonym : celebration)
Pronunciation : revlri
Hindi meaning : आन्दमय ,जीवंत और शोर उत्सव ( उत्सव )
Example : The winner of the lottery was exhausted after enjoying a night of celebratory revelry.

5) Clannish (adjective) = ( of a group or their activities ) tending to exclude other outside the group.(Synonyms : selected,reserved)
Pronunciation : clan-nish
Hindi meaning : खानदानी (चायनित,आरक्षित )
Example : The college faculty can be pretty clannish,so it is difficult to be an outsider there.

6) Rhetoric (noun) = an art of effective speech (Synonyms : hyperbole, oratory)
Pronunciation : ret-ter-ik or rhet-oric
Hindi meaning :प्रभावी भाषण की एक कला (समानार्थी :वक्तृत्व )
Example : The protesters rhetoric is filled with anger towards the government.

7) Disconcertingly (adverb) = shake up,confuse (Synonyms : agitate ,embarrass)
Pronunciation : dis-con-cert-ingly
Hindi meaning :भर्मित व्यक्ति , हिलना या भ्रमित करना (पर्यायवाची : उत्तेजित करना ,शर्मिंदा करना)
Example : She had a disconcerting habit of offering,jobs to people she met at parties.

8) Belie (verb) = fails to give a impression of something ,contradict (Synonyms : contradict , negate )
Pronunciation : be-lie
Hindi meaning :झुठलाना , किसी चीज़ की छाप देने में विफल ,विरोधाभास (पर्यायवाची : विरोधाभास ,नकारात्मक )
Example : The newspaper belied the facts.

9) Ordained ( verb) = make someone a priest or minister (Synonyms : appointed ,ordered)
Pronunciation : or-dained
Hindi meaning : किसी को पुजारी या मंत्री बनाना (समानार्थी : नियुक्त ,आदेशित )
Example : He was ordained as a priest.

10) Mayhem (noun) = violent and extreme order (Synonyms : chaos ,disorder,havoc)
Pronunciation : mey-hem
Hindi meaning : हाथापाई , हिंसा और चरम क्रम (समानार्थी ,अराजकता ,कहर )
Example :The movie includes a considerable amount of violence and mayhem.

11) Abrogate (verb) = to abolish by formal or official means or to put aside (Synonyms : evade)
Pronunciation : ab-ro-gate,ab-ruh-geyt
Hindi meaning :अभिनिषेध करना ,औपचारिक या आधिकारिक साधनों को खत्म करना या अलग रहना
Example : The government is abrogating its duty to protect the safety of its citizen.

Words from words ( These are those words which are used from the above words description)

*Perceived =
to become aware of,know,or identify by means of the senses or simply to understand.
Pronunciation : per-si-ved
Hindi meaning : इंद्रियों के माध्यम से जानना ,जानना या पहचानना या बस समझना
Example : He perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.

*Interweave = weave or become woven together.
Pronunciation : in-ter-wee
Hindi meaning : एक दूसरे से लिपटना
Example : The author skillfully interweaves fiction and history in novel.

*Merrymaking= fun; festivity.
Pronunciation : mer-ee-mey-king
Hindi meaning :आनंद ,उत्सव या चहलपल
Example : The summer holidays were spent mainly in eating,drinking ,singing and dancing merrymaking.


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