Coronavirus Vocabulary! Must for 2020!

1)Isolation (noun) - The condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy.
Hindi meaning - अलग होने की स्थिति ।
Example- The existential form of isolation refers to the gap that exists between the paper.

2)Quarantine (noun) - A state,period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed or period of separation.
Hindi meaning - अलक करना या फिर एक राज्य ,अवधि या अलगाव का स्थान जिसमें लोग या जानवर जो कही और से आए हैं या संक्रामक बीमारी के संपर्क में आए हैं , उन्हें अलग होने की अवधि के लिए रखा जाना ।
Example- She was admitted to quarantine ward to avoid the danger of spreading of viral fever in the hospital.

3)Cordon Sanitaire(noun) - a guarded line preventing anyone from leaving an area infected by a disease and thus spreading it.
Hindi meaning - एक पहरेदार लाइन जो किसी को एक बीमारी से संक्रमित क्षेत्र को छोड़ने से रोकती है और इस प्रकार इसे फैलती है ।
Example- When the Chinese government effectively cut off some 50 million people in Wuhan,the location of the first outbreak ,that was most aptly described as a cordon sanitaire.

4) Self - Quarantine (noun) - Suggests that one is voluntarily confining themself by, say, staying at home.
Hindi meaning - यह बताता है कि कोई स्वेच्छा से घर में रहकर ,खुद को कह रहा है । अपनी इच्छा से घर में रहना ।
Example- As the coronavirus spreads across the country, thousands of people who may have been exposed to the virus have been asked to self quarantine for two weeks.

5)Herd Immunity (noun) - The resistance to spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.
Hindi meaning - जनसंख्या के भीतर एक संक्रामक बीमारी के प्रसार का प्रतिरोध ,जिसके परिणामसवरुप यदि व्यक्तियों का पर्याप्त उच्च अनुपात रोग के प्रति प्रतिरक्षा खासकर टीकाकरण के माध्यम से ।
Example- The goal of herd immunity is to prevent others from catching or spreading an infectious disease like measles.

6)Altruism (adjective)- disinterested and selfless concern for the well - being of others.
Hindi meaning - दुसरो की भलाई के लिए उदासीन और निस्वार्थ चिंता ।
Example- He understood that what his aunt is doing for him was the purest act of altruism.

7)Wheezing (adjective) - breathing with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest.
Hindi meaning - छाती में सीटी बजने या तेज़ आवाज के साथ सांस लेना ।
Example- He was all up night wheezing and sneezing.

8)Outbreak(noun)- a sudden rise in the incidence of unwelcome condition, such as war or disease.
Hindi meaning - युद्ध या बीमारी जैसे अवांछित स्थिति की घटनिओ में अचानक वृद्धि ।
Example- The outbreak of world war III in 1914.

9)Pandemic (adjective) - (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
Hindi meaning - (एक बीमारी के ) पुरे देश या दुनिया में प्रचलित है ।
Example- The 1918 flu was pandemic and claimed millions of lives.

10)Epidemic (noun) - a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Hindi meaning - एक विशेष समय में एक समुदाय में एक संक्रामक'बीमारी की व्यापक घटना ।
Example- Crime and poverty are epidemic in this city.

11) Contagion (noun) - The communication of disease from one person or organism to another by close contact.
Hindi meaning - निकट संपर्क द्वारा एक व्यक्ति या जीव से दूसरे में रोग का संचार ।
Example- The doctor says there is no danger of contagion.

12)Pestilence (noun) - A fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.
Hindi meaning - एक घातक महामारी रोग ,विशेष रूप से बुबोनिक प्लेग ।
Example- They will die in their millions,by disease,pestilence and hunger.

13)Novel (adjective) - interestingly new or unusual.
Hindi meaning - दिलचस्प रूप से नया या असामान्य ।
Example- Teachers found a novel of explaining students through worksheets.

14) Symptomatic(adjective) - serving as a symptom or sign.
Hindi meaning - एक लक्षण या संकेत के रूप में सेवारत ।
Example- Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low self-esteem in one of the partners.

15)Asymptomatic (adjective) - serving as no symptom or sign.
Hindi meaning - कोई लक्षण या संकेत के रूप में सेवारत ।
Example- Evidence suggests that many Ebola (a disease) infections are asymptomatic.

16)Incubation(noun) - related to virus incubation period, the length of time between when the infection begins and when there are apparent signs of the disease.
Hindi meaning - वायरस की ऊष्मायन अवधि से संबंधित ,संक्रमण शुरू होने के बीच की अवधि और जब रोग के स्पष्ट संकेत होते हैं ।
Example- In small pox there is an incubation period of 8-18 days between initial infection and first symptoms.

17) Morbidity (noun) - The condition of being diseased.
Hindi meaning - रोगग्रस्त होने की स्तिथि ।
Example- The morbidity rate in that area is also among the highest due to coronavirus.

18) Zoonotic (adjective) - exists in animals but can also infect humans.
Hindi meaning - जानवरों में मौजूद हैं लेकिन मनुष्यों को भी संक्रमित कर सकता है ।
Example- Rabies is a zoonotic disease.

19)Acute(adjective) - quickly becomes severe.
Hindi meaning - जल्दी से गंभीर हो जाना ।
Example- She experienced acute pain during her surgery.

20)Fomites (noun) - objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils and furniture.
Hindi meaning - ऐसी वस्तुएं या सामग्री जिनके संक्रमण की संभावना हैं , जैसे की कपडे ,बर्तन और फर्नीचर ।
Example- During Coronavirus ,everyone should sanitize fomites frequently.

21)Contact Tracing - The process of finding any other people that an infected person has met or had closed contact with ,usually in order to control the spread of an infectious disease.
Hindi meaning - एक संक्रमित व्यक्ति के प्रसार को नियंत्रित करने के लिए आमतौर पर किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को खोजने की प्रक्रिया जो किसी संक्रमित व्यक्ति से मिली या बंद हो गयी थी ।
Example- Contact tracing is an important part of HIV control in UK.
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