Full Form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is used to create web pages and web applications. HTML is not a case sensitive language. HTML is not a Programing language, It is a Markup language. In HTML ,the content of webpage or web application are defined by the Elements or Tags(together with their properties). To Make an Attractive or a User-Friendly Web page and Web Application ,HTML uses Cascading Style Sheets(CSS). To Make an Interactive or a Responsive Web page and Web Application ,HTML uses special Scripting language such as JavaScript. To Save a HTML file we have to use the extension i.e. ".html". Syntax : <filename><dot>.html Example :- myfile.html Basic Structure of an HTML Document A typical HTML document consists of the following basic structure: Explanation of HTML Document HTML Tag : This is the main tag that encloses all the content of the web page and web application. Head Tag...
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